Monday, January 17, 2011

Blessed, again.

I have written before about how blessed I am in my life. It's really true. Not only has God given me great friendships that have continued through my most recent move, but he has also blessed me with new friendships that are both fun and challenging. One of the biggest blessings of the past 6 months has been my growing friendship with Craig and Michelle Boronow. Craig is the director of Moose River Outpost and so was my boss during my summers in Maine. Because of that, I knew the Boronows a little... but this fall/winter I have gotten to know them a lot, and I have been blessed immensely by their friendship.

Today, we hiked Mt. Major, a small mountain about 20 mins away from camp. It was a gorgeous, clear, cold, sunny day and the hike was wonderful.


The Boronow Duo (I tried to think of a catchy title, something that used alliteration, but I failed)


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