Monday, September 20, 2010

My Reading Problem

These are the books I just received in the mail. The Freedom of the Will by Jonathan Edwards, an ESV Bible (I use ESV online ALL THE TIME, so I finally bought one for myself), and two books by Rob Bell (Velvet Elvis and Sex.God). I have a reading problem.

It's not that reading is a problem; I love reading and promote reading of all types. It's that I have started to read too many books simultaneously, which cuts down on the enjoyment of each book individually. If only I could stop myself...


austin said...

I'm a big fan of Rob Bell, and in particular I think you will enjoy Sex God. Theologically, Velvet Elvis is one of my favorite books, but I'm not sure how much you will identify/agree with it?

As for reading too much, I have never tried reading books simultaneously - which might sound odd given my penchant for randomness. I have inundated myself with theology over the past year, though, which probably explains why the completion of my Master's is so far away...

[I don't really have much of anything to say with this post, just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your blog. And we certainly need to catch up sometime!]

j.spears said...

Aims. I just received "The Writing Life" by Annie Dillard and have since started reading it. I'm still working on finishing "A Pilgrims Regress" by Lewis. "The Elements of Story" by Francis Flaherty has a bookmark in Chapter three and I have "On the Road" by Kerouac, "Bittersweet" by Neiquist and "Knowing God" by Packer coming the the mail. Oh, and I downloading the first of McDonald's "Unspoken Sermons" on my computer. I feel you girl. :)