Saturday, September 25, 2010

Favorite People

Tonight I had the privilege to sit between two of my all-time favorite people at dinner. I have known Rich and Sue Jarmer essentially my entire life. They've been summer staff at Keswick (the conference center in New Jersey where my mother's family is) since I was very small. Some of my earliest memories include them - swimming in the pool with Rich lifeguarding, coloring with Sue in the lobby of the main building (affectionately called the Big House), etc.

Rich is quite the dry-witted comedian, but also a self-titled ponderer who appreciates thoughtful conversation on any variety of topics. Tonight, we discussed quantum physics, education, and hippies (my mom affectionately calls the Jarmers Christian hippies).

Sue is the sweetest woman you could ever meet. She's a cancer survivor, unbelievably encouraging, and humbly honest about life and God. We wrote letters for a bit when I was in high school and college, and she told me tonight that she's kept one of the cards I sent her in her Bible all this time.

Dinner, and being back in NJ around a lot of people who have known me since I was little got me thinking about relationships and how they change. I'm just now realizing how blessed I am to have the Jarmers in my life, how wonderful it is to be loved by these people. Growing up, I took for granted the fact that these grownups were interested in my life. For too long our interactions were merely them asking questions about me, listening while I told them whatever was on my mind. Conversations like the one I had tonight make me wish I had been aware of how much I could gain from listening to them, to their wisdom, to their hearts for the Lord. Yet, that's the nature of growing up. This is maturing: slowly gaining perspective that shows that it's not all about me.

I wish I had a picture on here to show you just how wonderful they are. Maybe I can dig one up somewhere someday. Gosh, I really want to be as great as them when I'm older.

I can share this... a picture of tonight's sunset over the Keswick lake. A favorite place to pair with a post on favorite people.

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