Monday, June 23, 2008

From MI to MA to NJ...

I spent the last week at Grace Adventures, hanging out with the high schoolers I spent the last few summers with.  It was a great experience and fun to be back with those kids.  Monday night of last week I got a phone call that my Grandfather who had been taken to the hospital for a fever and other persistent symptoms had been moved to ICU with ARDS - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.  Throughout the week, his condition continued to worsen, and on Thursday they put him on a ventilator and decided to heavily sedate him.  Therefore, when I flew back to Boston on Sat. PM, my sister picked me up and we drove to New Jersey.

I'm currently in NJ, where my grandfather is still in critical condition but stable.  I plan to head back to Boston on Wed., pack for the rest of the summer, and then head up to Maine on Sat.

God is faithful and, while this is far from how I expected to spend my week between camps, I am so thankful that I had these days off and was able to come down and spend these days with my family.  Grandpa has lived an incredible life of humble devotion to his Father, and I know that our faithful God will heal him if He wills it.  

This morning my grandparents' huge family Bible was open to Psalm 104, and I found the words comforting. Instead of speaking of healing or comfort, it speaks of the overwhelming majesty of God.  At times when I feel the most worried, or the most sad, it is powerful to remember who God is and to marvel that He chose us to be His children.

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