Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sprinting to where?

4 weeks until the end of the school year: the end of year 1. Right now, I'm living in sprint mode - the mindset I get in at the end, when I push off the day-to-day maintenance things (sleep, exercise, adequate time with the Lord, rest/down time) in the name of just finishing. The problem with that is that the end is still a very long way away.

I'm walking around feeling overwhelmed, feeling like I cannot add another thing. I'm forgetting promises I've made to students, I'm staying up too late (right now), and I'm not getting up in time to start my morning right. I rush out the door, do last minute lesson preps, teach all day, head to practice, rush home, head off to some church or school related event, get home too late, cram some grading and lesson planning, go to bed late, and start over.

The problem is, I'm not the kind of person who asks for help, or who easily lets on that I am in need of something.

There has to be a way to avoid this end-of-the-year madness.

I need to stay centered on the Lord.

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