I wish you could meet one of my students. She's one of those girls with what seems to be an impenetrable exterior, but a great sense of humor, and a truly sensitive spirit. For the first few months of the school year, she hated me - truly hated me. She refused to make eye-contact, to participate in class, to answer questions when asked. I thought there was no way we would ever have a positive relationship - not in class and especially not outside of it.
A month or so ago she came to ask my opinion about something, and the guidance counselor overheard. He was so excited, recognizing that 6 months ago that would NEVER have happened.
Today, she and I laughed so much. We got in a bit of a yelling match at practice - one of those in-their-face-snap-your-fingers-stand-on-your-tiptoes kind of "fights". It was hilarious. She's hilarious. I love her.
I'm convinced that growing outside the classroom is just as important as growing inside.
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