Monday, November 8, 2010

Farewell, iPhone.

I have been an iPhone user for two years now, but yesterday I went to the AT&T store, discontinued my data package, and bought the cheapest phone they had ($10 after mail-in rebate).

It's a decision I've been considering for a while, and it was made for a lot of reasons. The primary reason: I'm in what I like to call a period of financial uncertainty. It was becoming harder and harder to justify a monthly expense that I didn't really take advantage of (here in NH, there's not nearly as much "need" as in a city).

There were secondary reasons, as well. As I'm writing this leadership curriculum, I'm realizing how badly I need to learn this stuff, too. My life is fragmented and distracted, I rarely give full-attention to anyone or anything, and the ever-presence of the iPhone contributes to this greatly. I want to learn to be fully present wherever I am (if that makes any sense). I don't want to be able to check my e-mail all the time, to be on Facebook, Twitter, or even read the New York Times. I want to read the news once a day, check e-mail and Facebook only occasionally, and become more present here - reading books, having conversations, or even talking on the phone.

The third reason is one I've been seriously considering as of late... I think I may postpone my move to the big city, stay based at camp for a while, and take some time in the spring (read: a few months) and travel the world. I'm currently pricing Round the World tickets :). If I do that, I definitely don't need my iPhone... unless Rick Steeves has an app.

1 comment:

NaiveJim said...

I think 'round the world tickets have mandatory stops in Puerto Rico.

Just sayin'