Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's good being a teacher when...

... Your day begins with your advisees telling you how cute you look (conversely, not so good when they tell you how awful you look).
... Your soccer team wins a game 6-0 because they finally started young what you've been telling them to do.
... Your student dedicates a Brittany Spears song to you when it comes on the radio ("Miss! It's our song!")
... You have a meeting with the Development department (fundraising) in which you get to talk about great kids with great stories.
... You get to take students out for coffee during free periods.
... You help kids with their homework, they get it, and they're excited to keep working on it.

I really love high schoolers. I really love my kids. They're so worth every minute they require of me... It's sad when I get so behind at life that I don't have the energy to really love them.

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