Friday, May 30, 2008


I moved half my stuff into my new apartment today. I'll move the other half tomorrow morning - the big stuff.

Technically, this will be my 20th move in the past 5 years, if you count all the times to and from camp and college (12th if you don't count the camp moves).

Why are the college/early adult years such a transient time? I dream of the day when I can live in one place for an entire calendar year. I can't even begin to let myself dream about a time when I can live in a place and make it my "permanent" home. It's a concept too foreign, too settled, too grounded for this transitory time of life.

Here are some pictures from my almost-empty room at my soon-to-be-old place. I'll put pictures of my new place once I get it just the way I want it.

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